Waste Water Treatment

Waste Water Treatment

AirPro Oxygen Generators allow you to inject oxygen into your treatment plants, improve sludge settling, lower sludge load, control odours and improve treatment capacity.


Oxygen (O2) and Ozone (O3) are gaining wide acceptance in wastewater treatment.


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There has been rapid development in both the methods of reliably producing low cost oxygen and ozone and applying them to wastewater treatment problems.

Lack of oxygen can cause inadequate treatment, as well as offensive odours. AirPro Oxygen Generators allow you to inject oxygen into your treatment plants, improve sludge settling, lower sludge load, and improve treatment capacity.


The aeration process allows bacteria and waste to be put into contact. Efficient oxygenation is essential to the success of aerobic biological treatment. In difficult cases, particularly with industrial effluents, pure oxygen boosting is a very efficient solution.


Application of oxygen in waste water treatment includes the destruction or removal of: complex organic molecules, cyanides and phenols from chemical waste, etc.

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Advantages of treating wastewater using an AirPro Oxygen Generator:


  • Accelerates treatment process

  • Control odours

  • Reduces corrosion of piping

  • Low maintenance requirements

  • Low energy consumption

  • Around-the-clock operation

  • Avoid high waste water charges


AirPro Oxygen Generators eliminate the expense, inconvenience, hazardous handling, and storage problems associated with purchased liquid or the transportation of high pressure oxygen cylinders. With PSA and VPSA technology they are the most efficient and dependable generators available today. Fully automatic, they require no supervision for operation.