Deionised water and an electrical supply is all that is required to generate hydrogen for weeks of continuous operation.
Hydrogen can be isolated from deionised water using Electrolysis. An electric current is passed
through the water in an electrolysis bath, the water’s positive ions will be attracted to the cathode,
while the negative ions will be attracted to the anode.
The water (H2O) is thus separated into its two constituents: H2 (hydrogen) and O (oxygen).
The hydrogen and oxygen can then be stored and retrieved for later use.
Optional automatic feed-water is available for remote installations or where minimal operator attention is required.
Our generators can supply 99.9999% pure fuel gas. Compact designs allow generators to be installed directly in laboratories, eliminating the requirement for long hydrogen lines.
- Designed to run 24 hours a day
- Compact, reliable and minimal maintenance
- Eliminate dangerous hydrogen cylinders from the workplace
- Ideal for fuel and carrier gas requirements
In larger scale hydrogen generators, surplus power from renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines and solar can be combined with our technology to store hydrogen gas. This would be particularly efficient when power is being created at a time of low demand, e.g. weekends or overnight. Surplus power can therefore provide a supply of hydrogen which can be later used in fuel cells, heat generation, or even for generating electricity when the wind isn’t blowing!