AirPro IDT System

IDT Laser Cutting

As a forward looking company, IDT knows that reducing costs is the same as being more competitive

As a significant user of high pressure nitrogen cylinders, IDT took the pioneering step of producing their own nitrogen onsite. As a further cost saving measure, they produce their nitrogen at night, availing of the reduced electricity tariff.


Established in 1983, IDT is a privately-owned company providing precision sheet-metal parts and assemblies to the electronics, telecommunications equipment, healthcare and general engineering industries.

IDT has received numerous commendations and awards for excellence as a supplier from multinational companies over the years.

As a forward looking company, IDT knows that reducing costs is the same as being more competitive.  As a significant user of high pressure nitrogen cylinders, IDT took the pioneering step of producing their own nitrogen onsite.

As a further cost saving measure, they produce their nitrogen at night, availing of the reduced electricity tariff.  Their AirPro Nitrogen System is timed to operate at 11.00 pm each weekday evening.  The system then automatically refills their own stationary gas cylinders.

In the morning, there is a nitrogen supply which is sufficient to run the Laser Cutting over the working day.  Service is carried out annually by Airpro.  The system has been running successfully since 2008.

Airpro is proud to be a part of what IDT represents; a competitive Irish company trading successfully far and wide, providing local employment, applying best in class techniques.

IDT is an approved company under the international quality standard IS.EN.ISO 9001:2000.
Assessed twice yearly by independent external quality auditors to ensure the quality system is effective and is being applied throughout the company.
A unique quality plan appropriate to customers’ products and batch quantities can be prepared and implemented.  Full traceability of materials is available.

IDT know that regardless of weather and road conditions, they will always have an economic, reliable and high quality nitrogen gas supply.  They produce this gas themselves at a very reasonable cost and because they own their own cylinders, they do not have to pay annual rental charges.

These cylinders are stationary and are refilled in place, so there are no handling or delivery concerns.