AirPro Oxygen and Nitrogen Generators can be delivered to you mounted on a frame, skidded and truck mounted systems or in a shipping container.
This makes the generators easily transportable by road, rail and sea. Designed for outdoors the container provides protection against harsh weather conditions on and off shore.
Our Generators are fully pre-assembled, wired and tested at our plants. They are supplied ready to be connected and used via an automatic start and stop operation. AirPro will custom design your system/ mobile generator to provide the features you need and benefits you want.
- Flexibility
- Independence
- Lower cost and long term price stability
- Increased productivity and profitability
- Safer working environment
Gas from AirPro Mobile Generators are being used in many applications like health-care, fish farming, ozone, waste water, glass works, pulp-and-paper, demolition etc.